雖然 之前已經有po過一次歌詞了 可是這次MV已經出來咧>>>而且 CD也已經發行了 哈哈哈
黃俊元 我的CD 就拜託你幫我從美國帶回來>>>>>拜託你囉>>>哈哈 不過這次的MV拍的好可愛喔
雖然說裡面的Jenny我是沒有很滿意>>而且我這個Jenny也不會降好嗎>>>>我覺得 我真的越來越愛你們
不管是誰 Kyle當然是最愛 但是Joe 也好 Ben也好 我都好愛The Click Five喔!!!!!!!!!!!
我真的好想去美國 看你們 就像 范德想要去英國一樣的心情>>>>哈哈 
而且這次的MV好日本風喔 為什麼啊???還有Kyle的求婚>>>好好喔 快來快來給我 戲裡的Jenny你未免也太不知足了八 可是 我怎麼覺得Kyle跟大家依舊沒有很熟啊!!!!!!!!!喔對了 而且你們幫Nokia打廣告也打的太明顯了八 將害我想去買那一隻手機耶


she calls me baby then she wont call me
she says she adores me
then ignores me
Jenny what’s the problem
she keeps her distance and sits on fences
puts up resitance and build these fences
jenny whats the problem
leave me hanging on the line
every time u change your mind
first say you wont then you say you will
keep me hangin on
we're not moving on
we're standing still
jenny you got me on my knees
and its killing me
she needs her own space
shes playing mind games
end up at my place
saying that shes changed
jenny whats the problem
im trying to read between the lines
you got me going out of my mind
first say you wont then you say you will
keep me hangin on
we're not moving on
we're standing still
jenny you got me on my knees
jenny its killing me (ah ahh ahh)
It killing me (ah ha ha)
it killin' me (ah ha ha)
first say you wont then you say you will
keep me hangin on
we're not moving on
we're standing still
jenny you got me on my knees
jenny first say you wont then you say you will
keep me hangin on
we're not moving on
we're standing still
jenny you got me on my knees
jenny its killing meee
its killing me

    創作者 黃尖尼。肥吃吃 的頭像


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