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超強演員: Judy Vanessa Lian Frances Jenny
Role Play
Immigration Officer + Police: Jenny
Immigration Officer + Customs: Judy
Passenger 1: Lian
Passenger 2: Frances
Passenger 3: Vanessa
Jenny: Good morning. Could I see your ID please?
Lian: Yes. I already have a boarding pass. Here it is.
Jenny: Thank you.
I see a note here that tells us to bump you up to first class.
Lian: Should I be so lucky…
Jenny: Today's your lucky day. Coach and business class are both full.
I've got a couple of options in first class.
Lian: Fantastic. It's a dream come true.
Jenny: Would you like a window or an aisle seat?
Lian: I'll take a window seat, thank you.
Jenny: OK. You'll be sitting in the front row.Enjoy your flight, Miss.
Lian: Thank you.
Jenny: How many pieces will you be checking in today, Miss?
Frances: Just these two.
Jenny: All right. Please place them on the scale.
Frances: OK. [lifts them onto the scale] They're heavy.
Jenny: Actually, they are both over the allowed weight limit.
Frances: What? I thought it was seventy pounds.
Jenny: Not anymore. They changed the limit to fifty last year.
Frances: Even for international flights?
Jenny: I am afraid so.
Frances: How much would the charge be for overweight luggage?
Jenny: Twenty-five dollars. We accept cash or credit.
Frances: Oh, that's just pocket change! I'll just pay it then.
Judy: Good afternoon. Where do you come from?
Vanessa: I come from Taiwan.
Judy: Can I see Ur passport and visa, pls?